To assist the Board of Directors with the business of the Association as outlined in the CCRs and Covenants, they have appointed the following committees.
Architectural Review Committee:
Looking to build? Mr. Beebe should be contacted prior to building any permanent structures, etc., per the CCRs. Approval from this committee must be obtained prior to building. To have your project reviewed, please submit the Project Approval Form.
Chair: John Beebe
Member: Lars Sande
Member: Les Kole
Member: Danny DeHondt
Member: John Urbanec
Member: Randy Richard
Welcome Committee:
Are you new to the neighborhood? Welcome! Ellen and the other Welcome Committee members are here to provide a DVE network to assist you locating any local resources or answer questions about DVE and the surrounding area. They strive to visit each new neighbor within the first month or two of residence.
Chair: Ellen Maxton
Member: Terry Beebe
Member: Cathy Duggan
Member: Betsy Romere
Wildfire Adapted Partnership:
Concerned about wildfire mitigation, defensible space, evacuation plans, etc.? Mr. Kole is our local representative, and President of Wildfire Adapted Partnership. He can provide resource information to assist you in creating and maintaining your defensible space.
Please make sure to review the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).
Chair: Les Kole
Fiber Internet Project:
Chair: John Beebe
Member: Les Kole
Road Maintenance:
Chair: Michael Blankenship
Member: Bryan Ferguson
Member: Mike Sager
Member: John Beebe
Member: Les Kole