2024 – 2025 Snow Removal Guidelines
2024 Annual Meeting Documents
Les Kole – Statement of Qualifications
Mark Wagner – Statement of Qualifications
Thistle Control

The Board would like to thank all of you who have helped with the weed mitigation in the DVE Right of Way. Many of you have mowed, weed wacked, brush hogged, etc… your lots and have done so all the way to the edge of the roads, which include the right of way.
I have attached a couple of documents that picture the invasive thistles that haunt us and the La Plata County Weed Management Plan that Chris Gober helped to develop in 2021 for our neighborhood. Now is a good time to spray the thistles and other noxious weeds on your property prior to their blooming.
With the moisture from this past winter, the continuing moisture that we have received in June, and with the coming monsoon season, we will continue to battle a lot of noxious weeds and grass growth on our properties and in the right of way.
We have been spraying the various weeds and thistles along the DVE roads using the weed killer Milestone (2,4-D). I am sure that you have seen the weeds and thistle wilting, dying and turning a yellow/brown color. We would prefer NOT to spray a bunch of chemicals on the remaining weeds/grasses in the right of way.
To avoid this, please help by mowing the weeds/grasses that you are mowing on your property all the way to the edge of the DVE roads. This will keep all of the growth “knocked down” without the need for a lot of chemical spraying.
Invasive Thistle Identification
2024 Annual Meeting Documents
Call for Statement of Qualifications
Trail Etiquette
Barking Dogs
A disposal opportunity for items not allowed in the DVE Dumpsters. May 18, 2024 beginning at 8:00 AM. See this article from the Village of Bayfield Facebook page for a list of what is Accepted and Not Accepted. Click on the above heading for a link to the Durango Herald article.

On Thursday April 25, 2024 we will have an evacuation drill here in Deer Valley Estates from 1PM to 3PM. This drill is being coordinated with La Plata County Emergency Management (CodeRED). Please see the attached flyer for additional information.
This evacuation drill is part of our updated Community Wide Protection Plan (CWPP), which is available on the DVE website (deervalleyestates.net).
You can click on the link in the flyer and sign up for La Plata County CodeRED if you have never signed up for emergency alerts through CodeRED. Or, check to make sure that you are signed up if you have done so in the past.
On April 25th, DVE residents that have signed up for CodeRED will receive a text message and/or a phone call to evacuate. There will be a check-in van parked in the DVE right of way at the fence corner of Beaver Creek Drive and Wieland Drive. After checking in, you will be able to turn around and return home. There will be snacks, additional information and La Plata County officials available to talk to.
We will send this flyer out a few more times between now and April 25th as a reminder along with additional information. We would like as many residents as possible to participate in this evacuation drill. We know that many people do work and not everyone will be available.
Please contact Les Kole or myself if you have any questions.
Thank You,
Mark Wagner
Les Kole
Snow Removal Guidelines 2023-2024
2023 Annual Meeting Documents
2022 DVE Annual Meeting Minutes – DRAFT
Michael Blankenship – Statement of Qualifications
Annual Meeting Ballot – SAMPLE
Call for Statement of Qualifications
Snow Removal Policy 2022 – 2023
Revised 03/18/2024
2022 Annual Meeting Documents
2022-2023 DVE Additional Financial Information
2021 DVE Annual Meeting Minutes – DRAFT
Initiative Proposal by Kathy Moore and Board Discussion
Mark Wagner – Statement of Qualifications
Les Kole – Statement of Qualifications
Annual Meeting Ballot – SAMPLE
2022 Annual Meeting Announcement
Snow Removal Policy 2021 – 2022
Fiber Optic Internet Project FAQ’s
Prescribed Burn-Beaver Meadows & First Notch
Attention Residents Hauling Water
Long Term Road Maintenance Plan
Saul’s Creek Winter Burn Planned
Update on Fiber Optic Internet in Deer Valley
Volunteer Day Photos
Projects included multiple dead trees removed and extensive creek bridge brush clearing

Thank You to Owners… Scott Neil, Bill Swapp, Paul Romere, John Beebe, Bryan & Tammy Ferguson, Orville Wright, Jim Wiler, Richard Berryman, the McSwain’s, Mike & Kelli Sager, Chris Gober!
Notes from our Wildfire Adapted Partnership Ambassador:
FireWise of Southwest Colorado has become
Wildfire Adapted Partnership
As of October 1, 2018, FireWise of Southwest Colorado has changed its name to Wildfire Adapted Partnership. The organization has been around since 2003, starting as a grassroots effort after the Missionary Ridge Fire. Since that time, FireWise has operated under a fiscal agent but received its own 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt status this summer. Therefore, it is now its own standalone nonprofit under the new name Wildfire Adapted Partnership.
Wildfire Adapted Partnership inspires, motivates, educates and serves individuals, organizations and communities joining together to protect lives and property from wildfire. It has wildfire education and mitigation incentive programs in all five southwest Colorado counties: Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma and San Juan.
The Neighborhood Ambassador Program is the backbone of Wildfire Adapted Partnership. Volunteer ambassadors serve as catalysts within their communities encouraging their neighbors to become aware, proactive, and more prepared for wildfires. There are approximately 150 volunteers participating in the Ambassador Program representing 95 subdivisions/communities throughout southwest Colorado. On average Ambassadors and other members of their communities donate 20,000 volunteer hours annually completing outreach and wildfire risk reduction activities.
The Ambassador for Deer Valley Estates is Les Kole. He can be reached at 970-884-0560.
Additionally, Wildfire Adapted Partnership provides reimbursements to homeowners who complete wildfire mitigation activities through incentive programs such as the Chipper Rental Rebate and Defensible Space Site Visit and Cost Share programs. In the last year and a half, the organization has completed approximately 450 free site visits, providing homeowners with guidance on how to protect their properties from wildfire and has spent more than $275,000 in rebates to homeowners and communities who completed fire mitigation activities.
To learn more about Wildfire Adapted Partnership and its programs, please visit its new website, at www.wildfireadapted.org or call its Durango office at 970-385-8909.